Saturday, December 17, 2011

Quick Update

Just wanted to give a quick update on mom!  She is out of the hospital, and staying in Winston-Salem with Chris and Isaac for awhile.  She has several follow-up doctors appointments over the next week or so, so we aren't sure when her return to Virginia might be...but we will keep you posted!

Mom is a tough cookie! She has good days and days that are just a little bit better :0)  She is still trying to find a right combination of pain killers that helps ease her pain, but doesn't make her want to sleep all the time!  She rarely takes anything...even for a cold or a headache, so she isn't thrilled to be on medication now! 

I know several people asked for her address, please just send me (Misty Raines), a message on facebook and I will gladly send it out to you!

I will also keep you posted on when she might be heading home!  It most likely will not be before Christmas. I know a lot of people are eager to visit mom!  The support has been amazing!  So once she is home, settled, and ready for visitors I'll keep all of you posted!

In the mean time, just continue to pray that mom's recovery goes smoothly and her pain subsides.  We also are expecting to receive the pathology reports this week regarding the tumor, so please pray for a good report.  Though, we know whatever it is, that the Lord will lead and guide mom (and us!) through it!

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