Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Update on Mom-12/14/11

As usual, mom never ceases to amaze us!  Over the past two days, she has set her determination of getting out of the hospital as soon as possible!  She has done breathing exercises, gets up and walks around (unaided!), is starting to eat a little better, and reducing her amount of pain killers!  She also graduated out of her occupational therapy (like the physical therapy, all they did was an assessment and knew that she didn't need occupational therapy!).

And all the hard work has paid off!  Mom is being released from the hospital...TODAY!!!!!!!!!

She is still sore and has a lot of recovering to do...but doing so from the comfort of her own home will make it much easier!!!  She has several follow up doctors appointments over the next few weeks, so will be staying with Chris and Isaac for awhile before returning to Bland County!  But we are so happy that she is getting out!

Thanks to:

Dad, Chris and Isaac, for spending hours and hours and hours and hours and hours checking on mom, following up with doctors, sitting with her, = and making sure that everything is going as smoothly as possible!  It is hard for Ricky and I to be so far away, but we know mom is being well cared for!

1 comment:

  1. Such wonderful news to read this morning. Tina is making such wonderful progress and I know she will heal much faster once she gets home. Thank you for keeping us updated on her progress.
